Dominican Father Allen White, an Oxford-trained historian and long-time denizen of the Eternal City, traces the origins of Roman Christianity from its obscure, house-church beginnings to its ultimate triumph over the imperial power. From out of the shadows arose the Church, the City of God that would determine the course of the world history until […]
Peter Kreeft, author of 67+ books and professor of philosophy at Boston College, describes surfing as a mystical experience. He realizes this description will surprise and offend most serious scholars, but considers the gap between mystics and non-mystics to be far less great than experts think. The door to mystical experience is open to more […]
St. Dominic, appointed in 1218, was the first Master of the Sacred Palace, the Papal Theologian. Eighty-four Dominicans consecutively succeeded him until the early 20th century. In the Dominican Order, he ranks next to the general, ex-general and vicar-general. He is ex-officio consultor of the Holy Office, prelate-consultor of Rites, and perpetual assistant of the […]
Fr. Allan White, O.P., gives an in-depth tour of the Basilica of Santa Sabina (the Dominican Mother House in Rome), its connection with the order’s founder, St. Dominic, and its place in the spiritual lives of saints past and present.
Fr. Allan White, O.P., braves the scorching heat of July in the city of Rome and delivers an on-site historical exploration of the Basilica of San Clemente located at its heart. Citing the discoveries of Father Joseph Mullooly, O.P., in the mid-19th Century, he explains how the basilica, built upon the ruins of a Roman […]
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